Book of the Week

This weeks book is Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Shoes, by Eric Litwin and illistrated by James Dean. This is one of my favorite books. This is a favorite because it tells the story of a typical day of a student at school. I love the Pete the Cat series because it has basic language children can understand. Some of the books not only incorporate music with literature, but other basic skills. Some have math skills, color recognition, and many other. This specific story uses music, being able to answer questions based on clues given and predictions.

This is a story of Pete the Cat in his adventures during his school day. The story tells what Pete does while in his school shoes.

Like other Pete the Cat books, the author uses predictability for parts of the book. This is good for early readers to be able to learn to read. During the story, the author asks questions, then on the next page gives the answer. “Where is Pete going?” Also good for early readers, is the repeativtive of a common phase. “I’m _________ in my school shoes.” is a repeated line with the blank an action word that goes along where Pete is located at the time in the story.

(“The Learning Grove”, n.d.)